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Lia Imanishi Rodrigues



Transits: Popular Culture and Modern and Contemporary Art in Brazil

Working plan:

City writings: transits between popular culture and urban art



This research is part of the strategic post-doctoral project “Transits: Popular Culture and Modern and Contemporary Art in Brazil.” It seeks to understand how the creation arising from popular culture contributed to a history of urban forms in aesthetic but also conceptual, social, and political terms. Through case studies of artists from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, who exhibited their works on the streets from the 1970s onwards and who took artistic projects to art and architecture biennials, to the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, to the Tate Museum and the Palais de Tokyo, among other renowned institutions, the research scrutinizes aspects of the performance of exploration and occupation of the city with graffiti, graffiti, stencils, posters, and murals. In this development, the research addresses subjects that move between the outskirts and the city center, the favela and the asphalt, the jungle and the skyscraper, calligraphy and painting, art and illegality.

Caption: Cazé, 2020. Benjamin Constant Street, Gloria, Rio de Janeiro.
Photography: Lia Imanishi

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