Research Groups
Laboratory of Carnivalesque Art (LAC)
Group members
Felipe Ferreira, Marcelo Campos
Its objective is to bring together researchers interested in questioning traditional approaches to carnivalesque thinking and proposing new approaches capable of placing them under new perspectives in the field of contemporary art and culture. It seeks to encourage discussions that propose new theories of academic thinking on issues related to carnival in its broadest sense, including the forms taken by the party itself, its dramatic expressions, its forms of socialization and its clothing and allegorical manifestations.

Laboratory of Arts and Politics of Alterity
Group members
Maurício Barros de Castro
A research group certified by CNPq, created in 2018, linked to the Institute of Arts of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). LAPA has two lines of research, and they are: Art, politics of alterity and popular culture; and Art and ethnic-racial relations. The line “Art, politics of alterity and popular culture” investigates the exchanges, connections, conflicts and negotiations between the fields of visual arts and popular culture in the context of politics of alterity. The research line “Art and ethnic-racial relations” approaches the connections between the fields of art, culture and ethnic-racial relations, through an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective.
image: Morrinho, 2019 (detail). Photo João Vergara.

Center for Anthropology of Art (N.A.d.A)
Group members
Marcos Albuquerque,
Marcelo Campos,
Maurício Barros de Castro
The N.A.d.A is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental research group. It brings together researchers linked to the Postgraduate Studies in Social Sciences (PPCIS) and the Postgraduate Studies in History of Art (PPGHA) at UERJ. Its proposal is to study the relationships between production, circulation and reception of works of art in a dialogue with Anthropology studies. In this sense, this research group seeks to analyze mainly the contribution of Anthropology to the studies of the History of Global Art. Thus, the group emphasizes analyzing art in its anthropological senses in the context of globalization and multiculturalism. We investigate the way in which the art system manages links between institutions, spectators and discourses about alterity, mainly in the search for the representation of post-colonial discourses, which used to be marginal to the system.

Center for Free Studies in Art and Culture
Group members
Fernanda Pequeno,
Marcelo Campos,
Rafael Cardoso,
Roberto Conduru,
Vera Beatriz Siqueira
NUCLEAR is a research group that encompasses different academic and cultural actions, namely: the development and/or guidance of research in the field of art and culture, involving professors and students from UERJ, as well as researchers from other institutions; the organization of academic events, such as seminars, lectures, colloquiums, courses, workshops, etc., the expansion of the exchange of information and experiences; publication, in the form of books, newspapers, magazines and electronic media, of texts on the subject; the administration of national and international agreements and exchange programs, expanding partnerships with other institutions also dedicated to the field of contemporary art and culture; and the participation in national and international academic events and publications.
image: Ana Linnemann, Bordadinhos Modernistas (detaai), 2009.

Studies in the History of Art from Antiquity to the First Modern Period
Group members
Alexandre Ragazzi, Evelyne Azevedo, Maya Suemi Lemos,
Maria Berbara, Tamara Quírico
This research group is dedicated to the study of the reception to the classical tradition, here understood as a fundamental aspect of both Western thought and culture that mediates permanent interrelationships between the so-called classical antiquity, the Middle Ages and the First Modern Period. The group is structured around three fundamental axes: the artistic relationships between Egypt and Imperial Rome; the uses and functions of Christian images in Europe between the 13th and 16th centuries; and the artistic-cultural exchanges between Italy, the Iberian Peninsula and the American continent during the First Modern Period.
Despite the diversity of its themes, the group's common denominator is its link to contemporary research fronts in the field of globalization, post-colonialism and the transit of artistic languages.